My Doggos

So I’ve had a bunch of dogs in my life, having four at one time and here is a list of them.

First, my parents got Smokey, who was a Yorkshire terrier. Then they got Max, who was also a Yorkie. This was before I was born.

When I was about three or four, we got two Great Danes, they were brother and sister, named Sampson and Princess, respectively. However, we had to give Sampson away after he continuously tried to fight Smokey and accidentally bit my mom.

Then over the next few years, we had a series of fish.

Then Max died and about roughly two years later Smokey followed. We had just Princess for a few years but then last year she passed away.

Shortly after she died we got Wadsworth, at first i was a little hesitant about getting another dog so soon but i love him and I’m glad hes with us.

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