Wadsworth and the Disappearing Toys

My one year old puppy, Wadsworth, loves to play, however, he always manages to eat all of his toys. We always have to buy him more, so he has something to do when we can’t play with him.

But since we’ve been so busy the past few weeks, we’ve been leaving his toys outside for him.

A few days ago, i went outside to play fetch with him, but i couldn’t find any toys! So, naturally, i start to look for them. I check behind our swing set, and under the trailer but I still can’t find them.

Except, on my way back to my house, i tripped over a hole on the ground and in front of me was Wadsworth’s indestructible elephant that we had bought a few weeks ago. He wasn’t destroying the toys at all.

He was burying them.

Yeah, so now we have holes all over the backyard.

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